Congress Continues to Debate the Large Infrastructure Bill. What Does That Mean For Solar?


While Congress continues its political dance around the infrastructure bill, many are expecting a sizable boost to the renewable energy business. So, what’s in the deal for solar, and can Biden accomplish his climate change goals?

We can’t say for certain what will end up in the final legislation, however, a few of the items in the bill include: a national network of electric vehicle charging – good; Zero-emission school buses – great idea; Energy storage manufacturing – more jobs; Grid upgrades – sorely needed. But how will we power the grid and fill the batteries?

“To achieve the necessary emissions reductions [in the infrastructure bill], solar will have to grow four times faster than we are growing today” states Abigall Ross Hopper, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association.


We don’t have to wait for Congress.

You can mobilize your tax dollars now and participate in building solar today!  At SDC Energy, we have 25 solar projects in various stages of completion for the 2021 tax year. 10 of those projects are currently being reviewed by investors. We have another 5 to 7 solar projects that may squeeze in their installations before the end of 2021.


How do you get started?

SDC Energy’s solar projects are designed to minimize or eliminate credit default and construction risk. Through our prepaid solar structure, you create a 1st-year tax savings compared to simply writing a check to the IRS next April. These are found dollars; monies that you had to allocate to pay the tax bill are now available to you to invest how you please.

In addition to your tax savings, you are also impacting climate change one roof at a time and reducing the operating costs for the religious and non-religious non-profits that make up our typical solar customer.

Contact us with your estimated 2021 taxes, what you paid in 2020, your state of domicile, and what your estimated effective Federal tax rate will be for 2021, and we will match you with a solar project to maximize the benefit and minimize your tax bill.

Find out more.


Make money off dollars that used to go to taxes!

What do you do with your tax savings? Put them into high-yielding real estate or hard money notes that will provide great returns and, at the same time, help solve another environmental issue: lack of housing in high job growth regions. You make money off of dollars that were going to be paid as taxes and help build critical housing to continue the economic growth of the country.

Find out more.


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